Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ice Skating Party

Let me tell you the very best way to give yourself a sore lower back. Help a 3 year old go ice skating, like so:

One lap around and I was about done with that!! I have vague memories of begging my parents to take me around the ice rink just the same way, and wondering why they never wanted to do it for very long. Parenthood brings with it all sorts of clarity on the distant past.

What brought us to the skating rink? It was a birthday party for a coworker of mine's son. Bless her heart, the woman is 8 months pregnant and still manages to throw a birthday bash for 35 kids.

Lily had a great time. She took off her skates and then begged to put them back on to go back out on the ice - not once, but twice! And being the sucker that I am, I cooperated with all the lacing and unlacing.

During one of the skating breaks, she ate some pizza. Yes, that is white frosting on it.

This was taken during the only 10 seconds that she released her death grip on me:

It really was fun, though - ice skating is the sort of thing that I always like doing, but never think to go do. If that makes sense :-)

Mommy the bandit runner!

I made an impromptu decision last night that I was going to run the Pinehurst Turkey Trot 10k this morning. When they stopped taking registrations before the listed time, I wasn't going to let the lack of a bib number or time chip stop me!! So I ran my first race as a bandit runner. In bigger races you can get kicked out for that, but since this is small-town NC, I knew I'd be OK. Didn't get a t-shirt, but had lots of fun!!

It has been a long time since I've run a race - way too long - and even though this was just 6.2 miles, it felt so great to be among a pack of runners again. The 10 minute first mile (thanks to dodging past all the baby strollers and getting stalled by the three-abreast walkers), the great feeling of really picking up the pace halfway through and passing plenty of dudes, and - best of all!!! - Lily and Dave waiting for me at the finish line!!!!

Pure fun. I'm not sure if I have the time in my life right now for full-marathon training, but I definitely need to schedule some half marathons. I love it too much not to make it a priority!!

Friday, November 18, 2011


While my mom was here, she couldn't resist buying Lily some new toys, to include a couple of puzzles (aren't grandmas wonderful?)

As I sat and watched Lily work on one of them, I found myself yearning to tell her "try this piece" and "turn it around this way", and my fingers literally twitched as I held myself back from jumping in to help her.

It's true she made a few wrong moves - forcing pieces together that didn't fit, trying to put the straight edge pieces in the middle - but as I made myself watch quietly, I was amazed at her focus and determination. She just kept trying, patiently, and eventually the puzzle started coming together.

I realized that by "helping" her, I was preventing her from solving the puzzle her own way, in her own time. That by jumping in, I'd be robbing her of the chance to do something herself, no matter how long it took.

As it turns out, she did the whole thing by herself - and how proud of it she was!! The Dora puzzle set came with three different puzzles, and she just loves putting them together and taking them apart. And I'm amazed at how fast she can do it!

Some time later, I was telling Dave how good Lily had gotten at puzzle-solving - and I suggested a challenge. Here they are, puzzling for the win....

Dave beat Lily in the end, but it wasn't exactly a blow-out. And I'd by lying if I said that Dave wasn't sweating it, just a little.....

Give Lily a few more months, and she just might have him beat!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Photo shoot

Lily and I recently did a photo shoot with a wonderful young lady, who I found through a mutual friend. It had been two years since the first professional photos that we did, when Lily was one, and I wanted to capture Lily at her current fun age with some great photos.

I don't have all the images yet, but the photographer posted a preview on her blog - check it out!!


I recently made the tough decision to send my dog, Cricket, to live with my grandmother in Ohio. I have a hard enough time getting myself and Lily ready for work/school, going to bed at a decent hour, and generally holding my shit together without remembering to feed the poor neglected dog and take time for walks outside (apartment living = no fenced yard = several walks a day). The thought of giving her up had crossed my mind, but I just couldn't bring myself to do that - she is such a sweet girl, and in the last year or so (she's almost 6) has even calmed down enough to be categorized as fairly well-behaved.

But, my grandmother's dog recently passed away, and she really missed the company and security of having a dog. It sort of seemed like an ideal situation - Cricket could live with her for a while. My grandmother would have an already-trained dog, and wouldn't have to worry about where that dog would go if, down the road, she weren't able to keep her anymore. And I would know that Cricket was in a good home, would be able to see her when I visit Ohio, and would get her back eventually when my life becomes less crazy and more amenable to a dog (it will, right???)

So, when my mom came down to visit, the plan was for Cricket to return to Ohio with her.
It's been a few weeks with her gone, now, and although it's nice not having to fit in the walks or
worry about her barking while Lily is napping, I sure do miss her!! So, here's a bit about my
favorite dog....

She's really great at sleeping.

She helps me do push-ups by chewing her squeaky toy up against my head.

She loves to cuddle and wants very badly to be a lap dog.

And, undocumented-

She greets friends by squeezing between and around their legs, like a cat.

She eats really gross things out of the trash.

She makes a wide variety of grumbly, groaning noises.

Sometimes she sneezes so big she whacks her chin on the ground.

She is driven to distraction by the reflection of light on the ceiling from a spoon, or any other shiny thing.

Happily, she's doing well in Ohio and is even excelling at her "invisible fence" training. Miss you, Cricket!! I can't wait to see you at Christmas!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Halloween weekend and trick-or-treat were especially great this year, because my mom was here for all the fun. I am not one of those people who gets all crazy over Halloween, but it is definitely more fun with a little one to dress up in costume!! This year, I also decided to take an old Waters family tradition and kick it up a notch.

For reasons I can't entirely explain, before heading out to trick-or-treat, my parents fed my brothers and me hot dogs, apple cider, and doughnuts. I understand that the hot dogs were just a way to get dinner on the table quickly before it was time to head out on our candy quest... but the addition of sugary doughnuts on such an already sugar-infused evening is, in retrospect, a little troubling. Nevertheless, tradition is tradition, and eating doughnuts on Halloween just feels right.

I'd never made homemade doughnuts before. So this was the perfect opportunity. We did the doughnuts on Saturday night, since trick-or-treat was on a Monday and the doughnut making was a somewhat time consuming process. Tradition had to suffer in the name of scratch-made-yumminess, but it was so worth it!!!

This is Crisco. Oh yes.

This is the dough frying up into a lovely, shortening-inspired shade of golden brown.

The finished product - half in an apple cider glaze, half coated in cinnamon sugar. Upon tasting, the glaze emerged as the clear victor.

More doughnuts than three adults and one small child could ever eat in one sitting (the leftovers were happily consumed over the next few days). Not to worry, we also had a veggie frittata to offset some of the artery-clogging sugar high.

Click for the recipe: Apple Cider Doughnuts. My little tips - (1) go for the shortening over vegetable oil. The recipe explains that shortening results in a less greasy-tasting doughnut because, unlike oil, the shortening becomes solid again once the doughnuts cool. (2) Ensure that the dough spends enough time in the freezer before you try to cut them out, and then again before you plop the doughnuts in the hot shortening. The dough is incredibly sticky, so it'll just stick to the pan and fall apart if it's not cold enough. (3) If you do cinnamon sugar, only coat one side - coating the entire doughnut was overkill. (4) It's really not as hard as you think it'll be - the whole frying part might be a little intimidating, but it is so, so worth it - the freshest doughnuts you'll ever eat!

Alright, moving on to trick or treat night!!! Several months ago, Lily decided that she wanted to be a pirate, and, surprisingly, she stuck to that decision. Given our ample prep time, she was ready with her pirate phrases - "shiver me timbers," "arrrr, matey," "swashbuckling," and "walk the plank!" I also managed to put together/sew portions of her costume without resorting to those awful store-bought ensembles (with a little help from Grandma, who bought the white shirt, and Grammy, who provided the hat).

We decided to go trick-or-treating out in Southern Pines, where Dave lives, which is a nice town about 35 minutes away with a non-military feel. It turned out to be a great decision, because the all and we had a beautiful fall night. Dave cooked us a great dinner of homemade broccoli soup and three types of grilled cheese sandwiches (way to impress my mom, Dave!!), and then we got Lily all dressed up:

Before we hopped in the car to find a good trick-or-treat spot we snapped a few photos:

Lily was so excited!!! At the first house we went to, when the people there opened the door, she said "Trick or Treating!!" It was very cute. And she of course remembered to say "thank you."

Unfortunately, the second house we went to was wayyy too scary. They had their yard all set up with smoke machines, a kid dressed as a skeleton hiding in the bushes, and these noise machines that made loud "PSSSHHHHHHT" noises, which scared Lily to death. After we got away from all that, she said she was done trick or treating and wanted to go home. We persuaded her to keep going, but before every house she said "is this a scary one? Please don't take me to any more bad houses, mommy." But then after we got candy from a house, she said "that was a nice house." She ended up having a blast and we walked for almost the whole two hours - she didn't ask to be carried even once!

A great Halloween, all in all. Although that night as I was tucking her in, she started talking about the scary house again - she said "that scary house made a pssshhhht noise. I didn't like it." It obviously made quite an impression, as she brought it up regularly for the next week or so. Lesson learned - should have turned right back around instead of pushing on through that house!

Her "mean pirate face"

Fall Fun with Grandma

After our weekend at the cabin, my dad headed back up to Ohio and my mom stayed with Lily and me for the rest of the week. Yay!!

I had a jump that week, and I was so glad that my mom was here for that - she hasn't actually gotten to see me jump before. It worked out pretty great - the aircraft was taking off from the drop zone, and the weather was great, so my mom and Lily came out and could hang out with me as I waited to get ready. I was pulling Assistant Jumpmaster duty on the jump, so I was busy, but because we got delayed quite a bit (as my fellow paratroopers know, this is fairly inevitable), I had some time to snap some photos with Lily, both before and after getting all rigged up.

We were supposed to jump at around noon, but due to aircraft issues, we didn't jump until almost 4pm!! Lily was a trooper - she usually takes a nap at around 1, but she didn't want to leave until she saw mommy jump. They got to watch us all walk out to the aircraft, load up, and then watch as we jumped out. I believe I'm the last one on the right in this photo:

It was a wonderful day for a jump, and I had a nice, soft landing. In spite of that, I somehow managed to pull a muscle in my neck upon exiting, and so for the next few days I was awkwardly unable to turn my head to the left. It was actually pretty painful. That's the first time I've had that happen on a jump, and hopefully the last!!

To complete the Army experience, my mom tried on my fully loaded ruck sack. She wasn't fan. Of course, neither am I.

It was so great having my mom here all week. We had plenty of time for playing tag and hide and seek:

And we made pancakes on the weekend, to include a special "L" shaped pancake for Lily :-)

I took Lily to a birthday party that weekend, and she had a great time playing with the other kids. They pretended that this swing contraption was an airplane, and that they were jumping out of it!!! Gotta love a bunch of Army kids!

They had cute little owl cupcakes, which Lily thought were cool but didn't really eat. I managed to help her out with the eating part.

Before my mom left, she got to see Lily in action on Dave's skateboard. Every time Dave comes over, she asks him if he brought it!! She just loves getting on with him and going fast. (I just hold my breath...)

Yep, it was a great week. I wish my mom could have stayed longer!! I am definitely looking forward to the next visit. We miss you, Grandma!!!!!

Catching up

Things have been a little crazy lately, so I hope you'll excuse the lack of blog posts. I've been slammed at work with a suddenly large amount of separation boards and courts-martial, to include a contested court-martial that starts this Wednesday (though I'm only the assistant trial counsel on that one, thank goodness). This is combined with Lily's dad getting a new job which involves even longer hours and even more travel than before. So.... I haven't had a whole lot of time to blog.

But - Lily's dad picked Lily up last night and will have her for most of today. This means I get a whole day to myself. Do you hear that, folks?? A whole. Entire. Day. Of course I've got some trial work to do, but first I'm sitting around in my pajamas, drinking coffee, and blog-writing. Later I'll go for a nice run (outside!! Not on the treadmill during nap time!!) in this beautiful weather we're having.

So, while I am working on and will post soon about all the stuff going on lately (like Halloween and my mom visiting) - right now I'll share a few pictures from this long weekend.

On Friday evening, while Lily and I took a walk, we looked up at the stars and Lily said "how can we get up there? We need a spaceship." So I suggested we build one. With some couch cushions, pillows, chairs, and a blanket - voila, we were ready for blast off!

The cool thing about home-made spaceships is that they can be almost anything. It turned into an ice cream shop, whose specialty flavor was Bubblegum. Then it was a tent, to hide from the scary Mommy monster.

Friday night we also watched "The Land Before Time" - it's the first time I'd seen it since I was a kid, and I remember loving that movie. Lily liked it, although the part with Littlefoot's mom dying was sad and hard to explain. Lily's favorite movie of the moment is "Lightning McQueen" (meaning Cars), so at least it was nice to get a break from that one.

Thanks to Lily spending yesterday evening with her dad, I finally got to cook Dave his birthday dinner. Almost a whole month late!! But, due to Dave studying for the GMAT and me not having a night without Lily, it's been hard to squeeze it in. Dinner turned out pretty darn good, so I want to share some recipes.

We started with some creamy mushroom soup, with blue cheese toasts - really great - if you like mushrooms you ought to try out this recipe!

The blue cheese toasts are just thin slices of baguette with blue cheese on top, popped in the oven for a few minutes.

We were so eager to start eating it that I forgot to take a picture before a few bites were taken.... I'm no food photographer but I swear it looked more delicious in person!

Since my normal cooking style is more seafood, fish, and veggie-centric, I decided to go meat-and-potatoes for a change. What is not to like about caramelized onions and beef braised in red wine until it's falling apart?? Yum.

And the best part - carrot cake!!! I love carrot cake, Dave loves carrot cake - so I was really excited to make one. This recipe is out of this world:
- it involves pouring a buttermilk glaze over the cake layers when they come out of the oven, so the cake is incredibly moist and delicious. The only change I made was adding some golden raisins, which I think are essential to a good carrot cake. I topped it off with a cream-cheese icing (more cream-cheesy than sweet) and some broiled coconut.

Doesn't get much better than that!!

Happy Veteran's Day weekend..... more posts to come!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cabin, part 3

Finally getting around to the last pictures from our weekend at the cabin. We took a nice long walk in the woods - and Lily found a "walkin stick."

We made our way to the creek, and Lily had a lot of fun playing there. This place is a kid's paradise!

In the afternoon, we drove to Mabry Mill, an old mill off the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. It was really pretty! And it was neat to see how an old mill worked.

They had a bluegrass band, and Lily had a great time dancing to the music. She was shy at first, but then she got going and was dancing like crazy! I couldn't get the video to load here, but you can check it out on my Facebook page.

The little girl in the pigtails kept trying to dance with Lily, but Lily was apparently in the bluegrass dancing zone and didn't stop for a second.

It was a great weekend!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cabin, part 2

Here are some pictures from our second day at the cabin. The weather was nice!!

Ed came back out and brought his two boys with him, to take us around some more. We piled into the truck (I sat in back with the kids!) and set out....

We collected some corn to feed the animals. Lily loved looking for the ears of corn, it was kind of like a scavenger hunt.

We filled up the back of the truck....

We fed the pigs first, and it was fun watching them eat. They eat it in neat rows. Then we took the rest to the horses. The horses ate the entire cob, with a loud crunch, crunch, crunch. Lily wasn't too sure about those big horses, but she did feed some corn to one.

We went back to the cabin and got ready to go fishing. We showed Lily how to put the worm on the hook ... she wanted nothing to do with that! (I wasn't too eager to get involved, either, to be honest). She liked holding the fishing poll and got so excited when she caught the first fish!

But, when the fish came flopping out of the water, she was a little freaked out - we couldn't even get her to stand close enough for a picture!! Oh well, it was a lot for a three-year-old.

After Lily had her nap, we took the rowboat out on the lake. We rowed and sang a few rounds of "Row, row, row your boat." Lily really liked helping Grandpa row.