Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I recently made the tough decision to send my dog, Cricket, to live with my grandmother in Ohio. I have a hard enough time getting myself and Lily ready for work/school, going to bed at a decent hour, and generally holding my shit together without remembering to feed the poor neglected dog and take time for walks outside (apartment living = no fenced yard = several walks a day). The thought of giving her up had crossed my mind, but I just couldn't bring myself to do that - she is such a sweet girl, and in the last year or so (she's almost 6) has even calmed down enough to be categorized as fairly well-behaved.

But, my grandmother's dog recently passed away, and she really missed the company and security of having a dog. It sort of seemed like an ideal situation - Cricket could live with her for a while. My grandmother would have an already-trained dog, and wouldn't have to worry about where that dog would go if, down the road, she weren't able to keep her anymore. And I would know that Cricket was in a good home, would be able to see her when I visit Ohio, and would get her back eventually when my life becomes less crazy and more amenable to a dog (it will, right???)

So, when my mom came down to visit, the plan was for Cricket to return to Ohio with her.
It's been a few weeks with her gone, now, and although it's nice not having to fit in the walks or
worry about her barking while Lily is napping, I sure do miss her!! So, here's a bit about my
favorite dog....

She's really great at sleeping.

She helps me do push-ups by chewing her squeaky toy up against my head.

She loves to cuddle and wants very badly to be a lap dog.

And, undocumented-

She greets friends by squeezing between and around their legs, like a cat.

She eats really gross things out of the trash.

She makes a wide variety of grumbly, groaning noises.

Sometimes she sneezes so big she whacks her chin on the ground.

She is driven to distraction by the reflection of light on the ceiling from a spoon, or any other shiny thing.

Happily, she's doing well in Ohio and is even excelling at her "invisible fence" training. Miss you, Cricket!! I can't wait to see you at Christmas!!!

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