Friday, November 18, 2011


While my mom was here, she couldn't resist buying Lily some new toys, to include a couple of puzzles (aren't grandmas wonderful?)

As I sat and watched Lily work on one of them, I found myself yearning to tell her "try this piece" and "turn it around this way", and my fingers literally twitched as I held myself back from jumping in to help her.

It's true she made a few wrong moves - forcing pieces together that didn't fit, trying to put the straight edge pieces in the middle - but as I made myself watch quietly, I was amazed at her focus and determination. She just kept trying, patiently, and eventually the puzzle started coming together.

I realized that by "helping" her, I was preventing her from solving the puzzle her own way, in her own time. That by jumping in, I'd be robbing her of the chance to do something herself, no matter how long it took.

As it turns out, she did the whole thing by herself - and how proud of it she was!! The Dora puzzle set came with three different puzzles, and she just loves putting them together and taking them apart. And I'm amazed at how fast she can do it!

Some time later, I was telling Dave how good Lily had gotten at puzzle-solving - and I suggested a challenge. Here they are, puzzling for the win....

Dave beat Lily in the end, but it wasn't exactly a blow-out. And I'd by lying if I said that Dave wasn't sweating it, just a little.....

Give Lily a few more months, and she just might have him beat!

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