Monday, October 10, 2011

Fruit flies, agh!

About a week ago, I started noticing a lot of fruit flies in the house. I have no idea where they all came from or why they were suddenly everywhere, but I figured they'd go away after a few days. They didn't.

So, I googled "fruit fly invasion" and learned a few things. First, I discovered that fruit flies are more plentiful in the fall. Second, I found that I could make a fruit fly trap out of common household items. I was skeptical that it would really work, but decided to give it a try.

You just take a jar or glass, and pour a little apple cider vinegar into it. Then, fashion a funnel out of paper and tape it up. Put the funnel in the jar like so:

Make sure you tape the top edge of the jar to the funnel, or the little buggers will escape through the gap between them. That's it!

And, what do you know....
It works! Gotcha, you annoying little fruit fly. Within 10 minutes, there was one fly in the jar. Later that evening, we'd caught 10!! There are still a few buzzing around the house, but I'm hoping this will do the trick.

I never would have thought of this...thank goodness for Google!

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