Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well, hello there.

And so, I join the ranks of the millions trying to put something unique on this internet. I am not sure whether this blog thing will stick, or whether, like so many other new paths I try, it'll be abandoned before the grass is barely even trampled.

Why do this? I have several pretty good reasons. One, and probably the biggest, is to put in words the awesome, silly, infuriating, hilarious things my daughter does and says. Because, while I think I'll remember that cute thing she says or that particularly public meltdown, in reality, most of it gets lost in the daily grind of living.

Another reason is more for myself. To write my goals and thoughts down. Not so much for others to see, but to keep them in the forefront of my own mind. And, really, just for fun, perhaps? We'll see if it stays fun or becomes just another chore.

What about the name? I'll explain the name I chose, because it has to do with my over-arching goal; really, I think, one of the biggest lessons to learn in life and one to which I am lately turning my focus. There is a saying that runners will recognize, a simple one - Run Your Own Race. What does that mean? It means that, to run your best race, you must focus on your own pace, breathing, and rhythm; the way your body feels and where your head is at. If you try to match someone else's speed or distance or footsteps, you end up either exhausted before the race is through, or you feel that you held back and missed out on something. I've learned to abide by this rule when I run, and just trust myself - I know when to go slower, and when I can speed up, and I don't (OK, I rarely) let myself get carried away by my pride or excitement. I can find such a sense of peace and contentment when I forget about what other runners are doing, and my mind and body are in sync and I am performing at my best level.

A few weeks ago, it occurred to me that, maybe, this philosophy might be a good match for life in general! What if I could just let go of what others might think, of what others do or have or accomplish, and just run my own metaphorical race? If I could turn my focus inward, and reach towards what makes ME happy, rather than react to what I think is going on in other people's heads? I think that would be a revelation. If I could attain just half the sense of peace I get while on a good, long run in the rest of my life, well, that would be incredible.

So my goal is to be the best me I can be, not based on outside standards, but on what I feel is the best for myself and my daughter. Hence, running with blinders on.

Thanks for reading :-)


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